
Get the Training You Need!

Autodesk Developer Network SolidWorks Solution Partner

Online Training Licenses

A single seat allows one user to use TEDCF Publishing's training on any device connected to the internet. The seat is non-transferable. For example, only one person can use the login credentials for a single seat.

Training Multiply Users requires a single seat for each user. To help with training costs, the Quantity Discounts show below are automatically applied to your order.

Legacy Training Licenses

Most Legacy Training Licenses (aka Permanent Licenses) are no longer sold. Licenses still in use are subject to the following.

A single seat allows one user to use TEDCF Publishing's training. The seat is non-transferable.

Training Multiple Users requires a single seat for each user. To help with training costs, the Quantity Discounts show below are automatically applied to your order.

Quantity Discounts

Quantity Discounts apply to both Workstation Installations and Online Training. Simply change the quantity in your order to receive these discounts.

A single seat allows one user to use TEDCF Publishing's training. The seat is non-transferable.

Training Multiply Users requires a single seat for each user. To help with training costs, the Quantity Discounts show below are automatically applied to your order.

  • Order 2 to 4 Seats and get 20% off.
  • Order 5 to 9 Seats and get 30% off.
  • Order 10+ Seats and get 40% off.

Play Algebra the Game. It's Free!


Once you master the game,
take this course.

That's all it takes, and it's fun!

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