Tube and Pipe routing couldn't be easier. That is, it's easy once you know how to set it up and use it. The Inventor 2022: Tube & Pipe Routed Systems course shows you all the steps to setup and use Autodesk Inventor's Tube and Pipe module. From custom fittings to editable routes and runs, you will know what to do.
Autodesk Inventor's Tube and Pipe module is a powerful tool, but it takes an understanding of a few concepts to successfully use it. Fortunately this course explains all you need to successfully produce editable routes with custom fittings and styles.
Without this training you will typically find that your routes need to be rebuilt from scratch when you try to modify them. You'll discover that your routes have mysteriously modified themselves, and setting up your routes take a tremendous amount of time.
This course cuts through all the unwanted discovery by showing you tips and tricks that put you in control. You're routes will be fully editable without unwanted changes. We've even developed a Phantom Route Guide to help you gain even more control. It comes with the course and was developed by TEDCF Publishing over 15 years ago. You'll find it's a valuable tool.
While Inventor includes quite a few fittings, the fittings you need are most likely not available. That's not a problem because you'll know how to publish custom fittings and components. Tube and Pipe components require detailed model definitions used during the routing process. So this course covers everything you need to know to control Tube and Pipe fittings and components.
The BOM is also an import aspect of routes. BOM customization is covered in detail in the 2D Drafting and Customization course and its use is covered in the Assemblies and Advanced Concepts course. This course shows you how to work with BOMs and customize them for routed systems. You'll learn a few additional tips that help simplify BOMs and make them easier to read.
Flexible hoses, tubing, pipe, it's all taught in this course. More importantly, you'll learn how to create custom flexible hoses, tubing, and pipe. So you're not restricted to using just the components that come with Autodesk Inventor. Custom Inventor Styles saved in your own custom library is all you need.
If you use Autodesk Inventor 2022 and want to learn how to use the Tube and Pipe module, this is the course you need.
5.1 hours of instruction
You will receive an email containing your User Name and Password. Login to your account and start learning. It's that easy.
While you're logged into your account you can download files used in the courses, watch lessons, and practice the tasks taught in the lessons. Keep in mind that you will use your installation of Inventor to practice.
No Installation Required
Watch from any device connected to the internet.
$54.95 - $109.95
Watch the first hour of the Solid Modeling course for Autodesk Inventor 2022.
Click to Watch!5.1 hours of instruction
Content Center File Locations
Introduction to Routed Systems
Intro to Tube and Pipe Styles
BOMs and Routed Systems
BOM Customization
Adopting a Structured Process
Copying Tube and Pipe Styles
Custom Tube and Pipe Styles
Tube and Pipe Style Rules
Dimensioning Autoroutes
BOM Consolidation
Import Export Styles
Tube and Pipe Templates
3D Route Tool Ridged Pipe
Stock Pipe and Deleting Nodes
Tube and Pipe Authoring
Engagement Range Settings
Inline Authored Components
Replacing Fittings
Connecting Fittings
Inserting Fittings
Custom iPart Requirements
Custom Pipe iPart Styles
Custom Coupling iPart Styles
Custom Elbow iPart Styles
Custom Reducer iPart Styles
Custom Valve iPart Styles
Custom Tube and Pipe Library
Batch Publishing iParts
Testing Published iParts
Setting Up Custom iPart Styles
Preparing Assemblies
Strategy for Editable Routes I
Strategy for Editable Routes II
Updating Styles
Constraining Autoroutes
Modifiable Assemblies
Derived Routes
Autoroutes vs Derived Routes
Phantom Route Guide
Updating BOMs
System Defined Levels of Detail
Flexible Hose Styles
Flexible Hose Routes
Editing Hose Routes
Mastering Tubing Routes I
Mastering Tubing Routes II
Publishing Self Draining iParts
Custom Self Draining Styles
Self Draining Routes
Derived Assemblies
Reducers and Runs
Trick for Placing Fittings
Tricks for Constraining Routes
Connecting Runs