
Fair and Balanced!

Autodesk Developer Network SolidWorks Solution Partner

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TEDCF Publishing's tutorials and courses are the exclusive property of TEDCF Publishing. All TEDCF Publishing tutorials and courses are protected by copyright law. You may not rent, lease, or sublease any TEDCF Publishing tutorial or course. You may not re-sell, duplicate, or distribute any TEDCF Publishing tutorial or course.

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When you purchase from TEDCF Publishing you automatically get our 30 day money back guarantee. If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, you can get a full refund if you have not registered an installed courese or logged into an online course more than 4 times.

How can we offer such a substantial 30 day money back guarantee? Our courses will blow you away. The average user learns far more than they thought possible, and our return rate is around 1 return for every 6,000 orders. So we're sure you'll enjoy them.

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TEDCF Publishing warrants that our tutorials and courses will perform as described in our advertisements for a period of ninety (90) days. Any implied warranties relating to tutorials and courses are limited to ninety (90) days.

Play Algebra the Game. It's Free!


Once you master the game,
take this course.

That's all it takes, and it's fun!

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