7 hours of instruction
Professional Modeling says it all. This course shows you how to create professionally sound SolidWorks models. You'll also learn practical ways of working with SolidWorks.
Custom Templates
Organizing File Storage Locations
Creating Sketches
Shaded Sketch Contours
Extruding a Profile
Mastering View Commands
UI Settings
Updating Templates
Inferred and Automatic Relations
Fully Defining Sketches
Mirroring Sketch Geometry
Revolving a Profile
Extruded Cuts
Linear Patterns
Circular Patterns
Sketch Patterns vs 3D Patterns
Missing Pattern Geometry
Guide Curve Sweep
Multiple Guide Curve Sweep
Wrap Path and Guide Curve
Advanced Sweep Profile Concepts
Practical Sweep Application
Introduction to the Shell command
Shell Command Strategy
Application of the Shell Command
Reusing Sketches
Introduction to the Hole Wizard
Oblique Surface Construction
Advanced Hole Placement
Finishing Features
Introduction to the Loft Command
Loft Twist and Connection Points
Loft Guide Curves
Loft Guide Curve Influence
Start and End Loft Constraints
Centerline Lofts
Closed Loop Lofts
Tangent Faces and Guide Curves
Sweep vs Loft
Using 3D Sketches
3D Sketch Planes
Advanced 3D Sketch Techniques
Mirroring Features
Introduction to Splines
Advanced Spline Constraints
Using 3D Splines
Mounting Bosses
Boss Fins
Trick for Adding Boss Ribs
Contour Ribs
Rib Matrix
Repairing Ribs
Strategy for Applying Fillets
Forcing Fillet Construction
Mouse Gestures
Shortcut Keys
Shortcut Bars
Multiple Sketch Relations
Copying Sketch Geometry
Boundary Command Details
Complex Boundaries
The Dome Command
Text on Sketches
More Text Strategies
Embossing and Engraving
7.9 hours of instruction
The power of configurations, custom part generators, and design tables is just a taste of what you'll learn from this course. Your training will dive deeper than you might expect, and you'll find that using sound practices and procedures will make your models and assemblies bulletproof.
Files and Folders
Custom Materials
Mastering Materials
Custom Color Swatches
Intro to Custom Appearances
Creating Helixes
Helical Threads
Limits to Reusing Sketches
RealView and Scene Display
Introduction to Configurations
Add Configurations
Machined Versions
Comparing Configurations
Configuration Parameters
Material Configurations
Setting Surface Materials
Updating Template Configurations
Derived Configurations
Cast Configurations
Machined Configurations
Parent Child Configurations
Derived Material Settings
Introduction to Design Tables
Design Table Parameters
Parameter Syntax
Blank Design Tables
Select and Rename Dimensions
State Design Table Parameters
Reduce Design Table Memory I
Reduce Design Table Memory II
Importing Excel Files
Introduction to Equations
Equations and Configurations
Feature Parameter Equations
Conditional Statements
Equations and Design Parameters
Direct Input Equations
Custom Assembly Templates
Introduction to Weldments
Modifying Joints and Members
Trim Extend Members
End Caps
Weld Preparations
Exporting Bodies to Assemblies
Fillet Weld Beads
Weld Strategies
Intermittent Welds
Custom Libraries
Custom Profiles
Using Custom Profiles
Degrees of Freedom
Understanding Mate Errors
Mate Type Errors
Mate Strategies
Width Mate
Symmetric Mate
Linear Coupler Mate
Advanced Distance Mate
Advanced Angle Mate
Organizing Assembly Components
Bottom Up Design
Linear Component Pattern
Shortcomings of Bottom Up Design
Middle Out Design
Creating Sub Assemblies
Adding the Toolbox
Building Sub Assemblies
Create Parts from Surfaces
Effective Smart Mates
Advanced Assembly Aspects
Projecting Curves to Surfaces
Cutting With Surfaces
Assemblies into Parts
Using Inserted Parts
Linked Part Files
Details of External References
Split Part Best Practices
Strategy for Multi-Body Modeling
4.2 hours of instruction
Make your mechanical drawings come alive. One of the most important tasks is to setup your drawing templates to streamline your work. You will learn how to do this plus so much more. You'll create custom layers, title blocks, and borders to give your drawings a professional look.
Files and Folders
Starting a New Drawing
Defining a Printable Area
Custom Borders
Drawing Layers
Custom Title Blocks
Setup Title Block Fields
Linking Title Block Fields
Creating Custom Properties
Title Block Text Fields
Links and Title Block Fields
Combining Fields and Text
Applying Fields and Text
Property Tab Builder
Custom Property List File
Advanced Control Elements
Using Property Tabs
Custom Drawing Templates
Default Sheet Formats
Custom Sheet Formats
Test Driving Sheet Formats
View Scale Settings
Isometric Dimetric Trimetric
Section Views
Driven and Driving Dimensions
Driven vs Driving Dimensions
Best Dimensioning Practice
Chamfer and Fillet Dimensions
Revision Tables
Customizing Revision Tables
Custom Revision Templates
Editing Table Templates
Multiple Views
Auxiliary View
Detail View
Partial Section Views
Center Mark options
Centerline Options
Broken Views
Ordinate Dimensions
Baseline Dimensions
Assembly Section Views
Exploded Views
4 hours of instruction
Watch this course and you'll be creating bulletproof sheet metal models and assemblies before you know it. It course shows you all the steps.
Base Flange Command
Edge Flange Command
Flange Profiles
Bend Relief Settings
Miter Flange Command
Corner Trim Command
Trick for Corner Relief
Linking Variables
K-Factors and BA
Bend Deduction
Bend Tables
Gauge Tables
Sheet Metal Templates
Basic Construction Strategy
Closing Corners
Hems in Detail
Bottom Up Sheet Metal Part I
Bottom Up Sheet Metal Part II
Bottom Up Sheet Metal Part III
Custom Drawing Bend Lines
Sheet Metal Drawing Colors
Sheet Metal Drawing Templates
Model to DXF
Drawing to DXF
Multi-Body Sheet Metal Intro
Holes on Multi-Bodies
Adding Bodies to Hole List
Simple Hole vs Hole Wizard
Multi-Body Practice and Tips
Multi-Body to Assembly
Multi-Body to Drawing and DXF
4.4 hours of instruction
Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is easier to learn than you might think. You don't need to know how mathematical matrices work or how to perform complicated mathematics. You just need to know how to use the SolidWorks FEA module. We show you how to do this with confidence in the results.
Simulation Setup
Basic Static Simulation
Basic Static Study Results
Normal Stress
Shear and Normal Stresses
Principal Stress Intro
Mohr's Circle
Coordinate Systems
Principal Stresses
Von Mises Stress
Normal vs Von Mises
Calculating Bending Stress
Equivalent Moments and Forces
Couples and Moments
Common Sense Deduction
Torsion and Shear
Combined Loads and Stresses
Point vs Area Loads
Hand vs FEA Calculations
Separate Bending and Torsion
Iso Clipping
Mesh Elements
Second Order Elements
Mesh Controls
Automatic Mesh Transitions
Curvature Based Meshes
Beam Slenderness Ratio
Understand Direction 1 2
Beam Analysis
Profile Stresses
Tapered Beams
Tapered Beam Elements
Introduction to Trusses
Method of Joints
Force Propagation
Constraining Trusses
Truss Study Details
Fixing Truss Joints
Solving Short Beam Problems
Fixing Unstable Models
Shell Elements
Convert Solid to Shell
Shell Study Details
Design by Displacement
Factor of Safety
No Installation Required
Watch from any device connected to the internet.
$189.95 - $379.95
The SolidWorks 2018: All-In-One Training Bundle takes both beginner and advanced users to the extreme. This bundle shows you everything you need to know to create professionally constructed models and assemblies. You'll streamline 2D drawing construction by automating the process. You'll practice advanced design processes like Top Down Design. There's too much in this bundle to mention here. So please read through our website to learn more about the courses in this bundle. It contains a 5 SolidWorks 2018 courses, including FEA Made Simple.
Watch the first hour of the Professional Modeling course for SolidWorks 2018.